Why choose ?



Tarori makes the wisdom of Tarot accessible to a wider audience by offering cost-effective reading options.





Tarori can provide readings 24/7, offering immediate answers to your questions without the need to wait for an appointment or schedule.

Confidentiality Guaranteed

Tarori's AI tarot readings are conducted in a secure and confidential environment, alleviating concerns about sharing personal information.



If you're a returning Tarori user, our AI can consider past readings and insights, fostering continuity in your journey and tracking your personal growth over time.

© 2023 TARORI. All rights reserved.

Tarot is a form of divination and a system of cards used for various purposes. Tarot decks typically consist of 78 cards, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning.

While Tarot is often associated with fortune-telling, it offers so much more. Tarot can serve as a mirror to one's thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. It helps illuminate hidden truths, provides clarity during life's challenges, and empowers individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

In this ever-evolving world, Tarot remains a steadfast companion on our quest for understanding, empowerment, and inner peace.

The experience

It's time to choose your cards from

the full Rider-Waite tarot deck.

Each card has a meaning, and

Tarori will interpret them

for you.

Step 4

Share essential details, such as your birthday (horoscope), gender, and age. These insights allow Tarori to provide personalized readings that align with your individual journey and aspirations.

Step 2

Select suitable spread based on

your situation. There are many

availble options to choose from

(Three-Card Spread, Celtic Cross

Spread, Relationship Spread, Yes-No

Spread, Decision Making Spread,...)

Step 1

With clarity in mind, input your questions and describe your situation

Step 3

Tarori will give you insights and advice based on your questions and the cards you picked. It's like your personal guide.

Step 5

If you need more clarity or have more questions, just let us know. We're here to help you every step of the way on your journey.

Step 6

Sign up now for early access to our beta version